How to use Leaf Coriander
Tyler- Sprinkle scissored leaves over meat, fish, chicken or vegetable curries just before serving.
- Add leaves to stir-fries just before serving.
- Sprinkle scissored leaves over hot chilli dishes with a Mexican or Caribbean flavour.
- Sprinkle whole or scissored leaves on spicy soups such as lentil or black bean.
- Use scissored leaves sparingly in tomato and pasta salads.
- Add to Middle Eastern style lamb casseroles.
- Use in sandwiches: thin slices of cold roast beef and tomatoes with a little Asian-style sweet chilli sauce and scissored leaf coriander; or mashed avocado, shredded cooked chicken and scissored leaf coriander.
- Add scissored leaves to pickled beetroot salad.
- Add scissored leaves, stem and roots to marinated mushrooms.
- Cook young green beans and serve tossed with butter or olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper and scissored leaf coriander.
- For a delicious chilled soup, process avocados with lemon juice, coriander leaves and red skinned onion until smooth. Pour into a bowl and stir in yoghurt, liquid vegetable stock and tomato juice. Garnish with extra coriander leaves.
- Make an Indian style green masala to serve as a condiment (like mustard) with chicken fish or vegetable curries. Process a 3cm piece of fresh ginger (peeled and chopped), 3 cloves of garlic (peeled and chopped), 3 fresh green chillies (seeds removed and flesh chopped) and a small handful of young coriander leaves and stems in a small food processor or blender, adding sufficient water to make a coarse paste.
- Make your favourite stuffed-egg recipe using a little garam masala, scissored chives and leaf coriander.
Ideas courtesy “The Cook’s Herb Garden Revisited”
Mary Browne, Helen Leach and Nancy Tichborne
An excellent guide to growing and using culinary herbs
Image credit to Jayden Buckley